
Showing posts from November, 2010

Birthday@Bad day?

Birthday Thanks to my family and friends who wished me. i really appreciate my family members who wished me very early. some of them wished me at last midnight. After i performed Subuh prayer this morning, my father and mother wished my birthday by sang the birthday's song to me. Bad day i had an accident approximately at 8.00pm when i was driving to go to PSI for buying some stuffs(stationery) for my sister who will be having her SPM the day after tomorrow.Alhamdulillah, everyone was fine but unfortunately the car that i drove and the car that i bumped into were affected. today is the bad birthday that i have since i was born.I'm really upset and still shaking.=(


Holiday means a lot to me since i've plenty of time to watch new series especially Japanese and Korean series with my sister, ida. While enjoying ourselves watching Japanese series, i came across one recipe that captured our interest to try it by ourselves. Last night we made okonomiyaki. to my surprise, it was so good@ delicious even though we just tried it for the first time.huhu=P. All my family love it and asked both of us to make it again. congratulation to us( Qiqi and Ida)..kwang3.. Unfortunately, we did not have much time to take the photos of okonomiyaki or to be exact we were too excited to try it but trust me it was delicious..nyum3..huahuahua=)
Izinkan kuberkata, agar dapat kulafaz semua, segala yang sesak di dada, biar semua terlepas jua.. ingin kupergi, meninggal mimpi, tapi ke mana pergi, untuk terus berlari, adakah kuakan terus sendiri? bila hatiku, terasa sesuatu, nescaya berlaku, suatu yang tidak tentu, mana hilir dan hulu.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan


Jika aku dianugerahi kuasa, akan kuubah masa, kembali kepada suatu ketika, saat kubisa ketawa, detik kita masih bersama.. Jika aku diberi pilihan, akan kuminta Tuhan, untuk kembali ke alam aku masih bisa menyanyi riang, bermain dengan teman, bertelingkah dengan jiran.. Jika aku diberi masa, akan kuguna sebaiknya, untuk membahagiakan kedua, ibubapaku tercinta.. Jika aku telah tiada masa, aku berdoa agar aku bisa, pergi ke syurga, tidak ke neraka.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 2.39am dalam bas perjalanan pulang ke kampung=)

Miss u so much=)

I've around 4days before seeing you..miss you terrible much..thanks for always pray for me and be with me through thick and thin..(*********)=) even though i always tell u that i miss that person, u will always comfort me with motivation=).thanks