
Showing posts from April, 2013

Nothing much just i am Lucky;)

Alhamdulillah 3 good news: Yesterday i got sms from my sister Ira telling me that i won the first place for the poem competition. the title of the poem is ABAH. i have once share the poem last year in this blog;) Then, i check my email then i realize that i got a place to pursue my study in Msc Construction Project Management at University of Manchester. Today, i have QUEST Family day. we have marathon race. my group got the 4th place;) Alhamdulillah;)


Hardworking comes and goes in my daily life. when it comes, everything is perfect. when it goes, everything seems to be perfect. don't just lazying yourself around. don't procrastinate in your works. your work won't finish but increasing each day. *note to myself also Happy Jumaat everyone. to all men, PLEASE pray Jumaat prayer. as muslimah, we want better leader to lead us.

Bread Pudding Recipe

Ingredients: 8 slices of Gardenia Bread 2 cups of HL Fresh Milk 4 spoons of Castor Sugar 2 spoons of Butter-I used Buttercup Margarine 1 tablespoon Vanilla essence. 2 Eggs 1 spoon Cornflour Some raisins-garnishing purpose;) Custard Sauce Ingredients: 2 spoons of custard powder 2 spoons of castor sugar 1 tin of Ideal Milk The first thing u must do is u must have the determination to make this simple bread pudding. Then, prepare bowls, pot,spoon, tray in order to prepare this. wakakaka. Okay, stop blabbering. 1) Prepare 2 bowls for mixing 2) Put the bread which has been cut into small pieces to one of the bowl. 3) Add fresh milk to the bread and let the milk soak into the bread for about 30 minutes. 4)Mix eggs, sugar,vanilla essence, margarine n cornflour in another bowl. Stir them well;) 5)Then add the eggs mixture to the bread mixture. 6) Prepare the baking tray. 7) Pour the the mixtures into the tray. 8) Then put the raisins on the top of the mixture. 9) ...

Tik Tok Tik Tok

Tik Tok Tik Tok, Bunyi jam tangan kuningku, Masa tidak menunggu, Segeralah istikarah dulu.. Sejarah akan terlakar lagi, Setelah lima tahun sekali, Siapa yang akan mengetuai, Pasukan Pentadbir Malaysia ini.. Saya pilih mengundi, Walau dulu saya benci, Kerana apa guna buang undi, Jika hak saya semua dikasi.. Barang semua tidak berhenti, Naik harga sana-sini, Sejarah tak mungkin dilupai, Minyak melambung naik tinggi, Semua barang nak naik sekali, Roti kegemaran naik aku paling benci.. Aku rakyat Malaysia, Mahu hidup di bumi bertuah ini, Mahu berkhidmat di sini, Kalau semua ini tidak berhenti, Takut nanti semua muda-mudi, Angkat kaki, Lari kerja oversea, Woi, Gaji besar lagi, Tapi kos sara diri, Tak setinggi, Bumi bertuah ini... Maka, Buatlah pilihan terbaik dekad ini, Pilihlah yang mana memberi, Suatu rasa tenang di hati, Tak perlu mengumpat setiap hari, Lima tahun baru ketemu lagi.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 755pm ,24 April 2013

an awesome weekend ;)

Last weekend i think that i have been too hardworking. hehehe i prepared a lot of food for my husband and siblings. the extravaganza menu will be the Bread Pudding and Batik Cake. i made 3 trays of bread pudding because my sister and husband love it so much. approximately half of the second tray have been eaten by Along. then, i prepared another one tray for my room mates;) it is really easy to prepare those. what u need to have is determination. Apart from preparing breakfast, lunch and also dinner for my husband, i can make those to him. he is really happy-Happy Tummy. hehehehe it is almost 130 am, i should be sleeping. beauty sleep perhaps?hahahahahhahaha Salam;) Seriously Yummy;)


i have done my questionnaire for my dissertation but somehow i need to get my supervisor comments and approval first before distributing the questionnaire to the respondents. hopefully my questionnaire will be approved and if it does have any lack can be alter and improve as soon as possible. Pray for me;) *Salam Jumaat, marilah mencari keberkatan pada penghulu segala hari ini ;)


I'm taking Bachelor of Quantity Surveyor at International Islamic University Malaysia. But the path is quite differ from other universities. we have foundation of Architecture and Environmental Design at Center for Foundation Studies International Islamic University Malaysia (CENFOS) previously being known as Matric UIA. at CENFOS, we learnt Arabic Language, Understanding Islam, Basic Theme of Al- Quran, Mathematics and Statistic, Economics, Introduction to Built Environment, Introduction to Environmental Science, Graphic Communication Design, Environmental Design 1 and 2, Computer. after finishing all the courses then we pursue our studies at main campus at Gombak. one elder asked me in 2011, what course i'm taking at Gombak. and i told him i'm taking QS- QuantiitySurveying. he acted like i have done something miserable. he replied don't u take Architecture? why changing the course? i told him that i have not changed the course but i'm majoring QS at Gombak. ...

Hamster in the house.

hehehe. my room mate is taking psychology course, thus she needs to do some experiments to see the behavior of hamster. it is a group assignment and tonight is her turn to take a good care of hamster. yeah, this is the hamster. we called it Baby. Baby is so glamour tonight as i capture his photos and put it here. hehehehehe.. he is so active. while the process of taking his photos is carried on, he just shit about 3 of his shit on my palm. yeahhhh! it is like, what the heckkkkkkk..hahahahahaha Baby 

a bright day =)

Happy mode @5th Year Architecture Studio, KAED, IIUM taken by Mohd Aizat Kamaruzaman;)


the last time i visited Langkawi was on May 2000. that was when i attended national jamboree of anti drug scheme. (Skim Lencana Anti Dadah). insyaAllah, i will be there with hubby and in law this coming May. can't wait. a lot of things to grab. a lot of things to be bought=P dear hubby, please be alert=D


many people ask me how i can write beautiful poems. where did i get the ideas to write them? and many other questions have been asked. hence this post is dedicated to all the readers out there who are really want to know HOW. 1. i keep on listening to the song that i like. for instance, the songs that give me the idea or the song lyrics blend my stories perfectly. 2. sometimes, i get the idea when i am in the bathroom*woho~ 3. and when i see, hear, think and even taste of something. 4. when i miss someone;) 5. i can't think others 6. six is enough! HAHAHAHHA

Gold Price decreases? and wow again. heheheheheh i love gold because i can't wear typical jewelry. don't misunderstood me. it is not i don't like to wear others than gold but i can't. i have terrible allergic with ordinary steel/ non-gold jewelry. thus, because the gold price decreases, i have an advantage.hahahahaha i want to buy a pair of new earring because mine last week have already broken. i have others 2 pairs, however i feel uneasy to wear them. 1 pair is not complete another pair was given by someone thus, the best solution is buying a new one, yeahhhh. i can't wait to go shopping with Bambam;)

Kupinangmu dengan lafaz Bismillah;)

terusik jiwa aku, mengisi waktu, melihat tele filem itu.. bertitisan air mataku, melihat wanita itu, pergi meninggal waktu, kerana lahirkan anak baru.. sedih mengulit rasa, dikasari mertua, inginkan cucu segera, lalu diminta, menantu pujuk anaknya, berkahwin dengan pilihan jiwa, bonda.. si isteri telah berisi, namun tetap memberi, suami beristeri lagi, kerana dia bukan menantu di hati.. kahwinlah si suami dengan temannya, namun rupanya tiada berdaya, mengandung zuriat dipinta, kerana pernah celaka.. isteri mithali, dipinang suami, dengan lafaz Ilahi, Bismillah menemani, pergi dijemput Ilahi, setelah hadiahi suami, zuriat dinanti.. begitu tragis, buat kutangis, namun itu magis.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 1616, 17 April 2013

Titian Halus

meniti titian halus, ada terjatuh jerlus, ada begitu telus.. berkaparan panas mentari, lemas dek peluh sendiri, bagaimana lah aku nanti, waktu aku kembali? lemaskah aku? jatuhkan aku? tidak mampu buang rasa, gentar yang mengusik jiwa, aku mahu bahagia, tidak hanya dunia, namun abadi jua.. biarlah saat tiba, terdekat juga bersama, sepi tidak melabuh rasa, pergi dengan meninggal semua, yang benci serta cinta, semuanya luput bersama.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 1043am, 17 April 2013

Tidak Lama

waktu hilang dalam pandangan, namun masih teringat kenangan, tidak bisa berjauhan, yang baik terindah berpanjangan, yang jelik menjadi sempadan.. aku tidak mampu, menafikan rindu, masih bertamu, menjadi lagu, mengusik kalbu.. sudah jauh berkelana, mencari sinar serta cahaya, menerangi hidup dunia, masih terbayang ketika, kamu dan aku bersama.. pergi aku tidak lama, akan sampai masa, aku akan kembali jua, dijemput pulang dari sementara, ke kekal selama-lama.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 1031am, 17 April 2013

Quiz, Assignment and Dissertation.

Yesterday quiz was quite hard because i did not study that much.  *serve me right! today, the studio is quite hectic because of everyone seems too busy of distributing their own questionnaire to be filled by us. i feel a little bit down because i have not done my questionnaire yet. i have to edit my Literature Review in order for me to generate the idea for doing the questionnaire. Alhamdulillah, Kak Aishah Sehat, my dearest ex room mate and senior helps me a lot by giving me a contact number to deal with for my interview and questionnaire distribution works. Data collection is really hard to do if your respondents are outsiders. Dear my blog readers, do pray for me because sometimes i feel really down and all the weaknesses i have seem accumulated when i depressed.


jangan berkelahi sesama insan,  kalah serta menang,  bulatan atau barisan,  itu sudah suratan.. namun, suratan atau kebetulan, kitalah yang rangkakan, kitalah yang lakarkan.. maka, jangan bertelagah sesama bangsa, kita sama-sama satu agama, tak perlu bertekak sini-sana, benang yang basah tetap sama, tak perlu diangkat isu sama.. kita diberi kuasa, memilih siapa, yang tadbir negara, maka jangan memekak saja, undilah yang mana suka, undi itu rahsia, tak perlu canang merata.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 1201am,10 April 2013.


PTD examination. i have been invited to PTD examination. fuhhh.. fuhhhh... fuhhhhh.... what will be asked? anyone know and care to share with me? *drop you comment please;)


Dan... rasa itu berbicara, dengan nurani berkata, mengapa masih ada beda, dalam suatu rasa, pabila terpanggil masa.. Dan... apa yang tercipta, bukanlah semuanya dusta, pernah bertakhta di jiwa, suatu yang beri rasa, yang dilabel cinta... Dan... berkocak hati ini, sekali lagi, dalam meniti, hari-hari berlalu pergi, sampai bila isi, kalbu,hati,nurani,sanubari, engkau tiada di sini... Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 1200am, 9 April 2013

Bumi itu

Bumi itu, aku rindu, aku seakan rasa kamu, berada dalam jiwaku, setelah pertama kali bertemu.. Bumi itu, beri aku, rasa sesuatu, rasa beda dari tempatku, rasa tenang kalbu, sedingin salju.. amarah aku, dirapi di situ, walau bertelingkah kakakku, namun semua berlalu, mencipta suatu rindu.. Bumi itu, aku rindu untuk bertamu, manjadi tetamuMu, mendakap senjaMu, mencium subuhMu, mendengar azanMu, terus berlalu, menuju kejayaan buatku... Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 1123pm, 8 April 2013 Ya Allah, Ampunkanlah dosaku, dosa kedua ibubapaku, dosa  adik-beradikku serta datuk serta nenekku, saudara-mara, kau percepatkanlah jodohku dengan insan yang terbaik buatku;)


today, i have construction business presentation. for my surprise, my lecturer says that the presentation is very good, comprehensive, a good job has done;) *clap-cap-clap well done to my friends and i we manage to do it properly;P for the remaining time that i have here, i will try my best. insyaAllah. do pray for me;) p/s: miss my parents and gemoi;)

terima kasih kamu

terima kasih kamu, terima kasih pilih aku, terima kasih suamiku, terima kasih menemaniku.. kamu cipta sesuatu, yang  setiap hari baru, cinta aku pada kamu, seiring dengan waktu, semakin lama aku perlu, semakin lama makin jitu, aku sayang kamu, sudahlah aku merapu, kau tengah senyum tersipu-sipu, baca karya baru aku? sukalah tu, setiap waktu, aku coretkan sesuatu, semuanya tentang kamu;) Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 1035pm, 8 April 2013

kami mahu jalan bahagia

dilontar kata-kata, cukup nista dan dusta, tanpa rasa beda, menuai rasa tidak selesa.. aman damai bukan tiket, untuk berebut memekik, tak kira panas terik, menunjuk kaulah terbaik.. kami bukan mahu, dihidang cerita palsu, kami tidak perlu, itu semua berlaku.. terasa pahit di bumi sendiri, seakan dijajah lagi, penjajahnya bangsa sendiri, menidakkan rasa bangga diri, masing-masing memberi, terpancar sifat malaikat dunia ini, ini kali.. semoga perjalanan kita, memilih jalan bahagia, di redhai yang maha Esa.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 946am, 5/4/2013
kamu wahai rusuk kiri, izin aku pergi, aku rasa dikasihi, aku rasa cinta lagi, kamu buat kali ini.. kamu tahu apa berlaku, pada suatu waktu, tika yang diami ku sendu, tika segalanya palsu.. kamu beri aku waktu, memadam rasa dulu, agar segalanya baru, untuk kamu serta aku.. kamu beri aku rasa, cukup rasa bahagia.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 125am, 5/4/2013
apa yang kurasa, selama aku diberi ujian Maha Esa, tika kamu lihat aku merana, kamu tingkat lagi seksa, yang pernah kurasa.. aku lihat kamu kecil besar, mahu sahaja aku tampar, melihat kau makin kasar, memijak bongkah sabar.. aku percaya, suatu masa, aku akan berjaya, aku tunggu waktu tiba, saat kau tahu apa, yang aku ada, dan bakal ada, dunia dan di sana.. kamu buat aku rasa, tiada tersisa cinta, untuk kamu yang ada, di suatu kotak jiwa.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 120am, 5/4/2013

Izin Suami

duduk bersila di bangku taman, dengan penuh minat serta harapan, aku mohon diberi tuhan, sesuatu yang didambakan.. doa tiada lupa, setiap malam meminta, agar dapat kurasa, apa yang kupinta.. terima kasih tidak memadai, atas nikmat Kau kurniai, aku dapat tersenyum berseri, kerana harapan bersemi, matlamat semakin menghampiri, kejayaan aku nanti, sejak azali, pasti aku kecapi, berkat izin suami, yang aku cintai.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan, 1025pm, 4/4/2013 Kamulah pelengkap hidupku, penyejuk hatiku, pendamai jiwaku,pendampingku, suamiku;)

Just because i miss the moment..

my parents

General Election

and today it will start with for the first time is okay with u guys? HAHAHA! for the first time i'm going to join the General Election. my mom is very enthusiastic by registering my siblings including me for the election. HAHHAHAHAHA! i have told my husband just now to book airasia because he is going to go back to his hometown, and well mine will go back to Kuala Terengganu. HAHAHAHAHHAHA!

Cat 2

when i was in standard 5.i had once have a cat. her name is comel. for my dismay she died. hehehe.. today, i don't have class. so what i do today is googling about cat. Persian Cat. huhhhh? what is happening to me??? i don't sure either. ok, to be continued later.. want to whatsapps with my friend Mas, asking about cat....


Tangis sendiri, bila mengingati, sungguh pantas meniti, waktu yang telah lari.. detik yang berlalu pergi, bukan bermaksud masih sendiri, namun sampai mati, sendiri atau masih berdiri, tetap tidak terjangkau memori.. walau berjuta kali, sajak aku karangi, maksud diberi, akan tetap bererti, sesuatu yang tak terluah hati.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan Wan Ismail, 121pm, 3 April 2013


Ok, for the first time, i want to tell all of you that i have allergic with cat. i mean i can't tolerate with cat. even at my in law, there are many cats, but when i'm being around, they will chase all the cats away.. however, the trauma since i was 4years old seems to fade away. huh? seriously Qiqi. HAHAHAHAHA! However, right now i just miss the cat named Dreamer whom is Fatin Suhana dearest cat. we went to her house last saturday as my sister was invited to visit. at first i felt really uneasy to be around but when seeing the cat is just too cute, i felt something else. i wanted to touch Dreamer so much, then when Fatin asked, whether i want to touch Dreamer, i said i want;) the furry Dreamer is really cute. i miss him already. Bambam, let's give a try. *jom beli kucing yg dah pandai dan cantik bulunya macam Dreamer.

First time

today is the first time i absent for this final semester. runny nose. diarrhea. complete set. hope to see friends and room mates soon;)


Alhamdulillah i have a great life since i am married. Allah SWT has ease my way to achieve what i want in this life and here after. i have a very understanding husband who never fail in giving the best for supporting me. dear bambam, happy 7 months anniversary. counting. still counting until Jannah, insyaAllah.