
Showing posts from June, 2013

Happy Birthday my awesome mom;)

Happy Birthday mama. May Allah SWT bless u always and all your dreams come true. I love u always. Have a wonderful birthday;) Mama when she was 22 years old with her first child, Along and her husband, Abah

Mr. Architect;)

He has completed the report for his design thesis. right at 420pm, he sent them to his Supervisor PA. Three hardbound copies and one with the ordinary binding. What did i see? I saw his smile. I felt his relief. Thanks Allah SWT because you grant him a good health and not to forget a brilliant mind to submit his design thesis. Thanks Allah SWT for everything;) Ok, Wan Naqiyyah, you have to push yourself to complete your dissertation as soon as possible;) InsyaAllah, there is always a way ;) p/s: thanks to my wife Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan.....woho~ nice dedication bambam. There u go my Mr. Architect. ;) Congratulation my husband for completing your Part Two Architecture Studies.

and the Semester ended;)

Alhamdulillah my last paper  for final examination for this final semester , Construction Business  ended on the dot 430pm. Alhamdulillah, i have done my best to answer the paper. Alhamdulillah Allah SWT has eased and helped me in writing the best answer. Alhamdulillah;) The last thing i have to do before graduating is completing my dissertation. Ya Allah, help me in finishing the last course;)


Dan malam semakin kelam. Sunyi serta sepi merapati. Yang masih kedengaran lagu "Ombak Rindu" duet antara Hafiz serta Adira yang sedia menjadi halwa telinga didengari dari corong kecil disumbat ke telingaku. Atau mungkin aku patut masukkan sekali bunyi kipas syiling yang cukup bertenaga menjalankan tugasnya selepas aku mencuci debu yang membantutkan keupayaannya untuk memberi perkhidmatan cemerlang sebelum ini. Dan mengapa aku perihalkan semua di atas?Mengapa aku masih tidak dapat melenakan mata?Kerana aku telah berjanji pada suami setelah dia berpesan agar belajar untuk last paper yang masih perlu aku hadapi. Tapi aku tidak terus meneliti nota-nota construction business yang perlu ditelaahi itu namun aku sempat singgah ke satu blog di laman sesawang dan aku menangis membaca karangan yang disiarkan di blognya. aku terdetik sesuatu. aku terdetik untuk menulis pada malam ini. dan aku memilih untuk menulis entry ini dalam bahasa melayu kerana aku rasa maksud aku akan lebih sa...