Wan Najihah Farhanah

wow, it is terrific.

you guys love to search about wan najihah farhanah and then accidentally found my blog.

Is she that special to be searched such way. kekekekeke

just ask me what do you want to know about her.

i have everything about her. her secret is just in my pocket. walaheyyy...


  1. Greetings there... .. .

    Well actually if its my case, then the answer would be a random click of the mouse which landed me on your site. And yes, while browsing through your poems I chanced upon a post about yours truly. So to answer your question - no, I just happened to be passing by when something led me here.

    The thing about her is that she has this exuberancy towards life. Maybe its innate or maybe its just her gregarious way of living life to the fullest. Thats just my observation.

    Sure, if you'd share then I'm all ears. But it would suffice to just know how is she doing these days? Is she happy?

  2. I apologize if I may have encroached on that peace and tranquil..it was never my intention to do so. .will be going now. .

  3. but before that let me share with you these quotes..

    “The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter’s oven? And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?

    When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see in truth that you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”
    -Kahlil Gibran

    “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassions, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
    -Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

    Good nite

  4. Replies
    1. Snow Glider, it seems that u are too obsess with my post especially this one. looks like u are waiting for my reply comment. i shall say you are a good dreamer. Playing chess in backyard garden? walahey. with wnf? sorry, don't dream too much.

  5. Let me clear the air in case I have created some tension – Yes, I was talking about her and no one else. So chill okay.. :-)

    I got the innuendos so was not waiting for a reply.Things implied are better than a direct reply, no? It leaves room for interpretations and thus the excitement of guessing. Like a child listening to a story from the grandpa and wondering how the story might conclude. It leaves more to the imagination.

    Now about dreams. Yes, I like to dream. To see the possibilities in thing when others would play you down. I like to work against the odds because when I can prove things the naysayers doubt, I simply create a game changer. Its easy to swim with the current but it takes character to swim against it.

    Words are just mere words...ideas and concepts. But it was also just mere words enunciated that revolutionized the world...Err... that cracked a smile on that face? Hehe

    P.s. No need to be too serious.

  6. Thank you for sharing. They say to share is to care.

    Sometimes people need a near death experience to really appreciate what they have or to put things back into perspective. Similarly, reading your post made me feel how small and deficient I am. How the world often dictates your priorities and turn you into something that you weren’t. As a child, you would look to the world from different lens but the trials and hardship in life often turn your sail and without realizing, you would find yourself lost in the storms with the ship wrecked among the rocks in the sea. But Allah works in mysterious ways and his will is often too subtle for us to see the silver lining. Having said that, there is much for me to ponder and improve.

    It is said that alms is a good way to purify the gained wealth and heart. It erases the wrongs like how water would extinguish fire.

    Indeed time is previous. You cannot turn it back to relive your childhood or make things better or ideal. Instead you have to plan and use it wisely. They say yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift from God. Hence the present.

    Anger can motivate you towards certain things if use or vent in the right way. But often like something negative, it can destroy you.

    I don’t know much about love. But what I do know is that it can be a really strong motivator. The raison d’ etre. It can be the thing to make you wake up and get out of the bed in the morning. It can be the very first thing on your mind once awaken.

    Success & Dreams
    Not a successful person yet. Heard and read many success stories. Am a dreamer as the sister succinctly put it. But dreaming and believing in things can be a good thing right?

    Age & Soulmate
    Hmm..brings back the issue of time. Like soulmate, its uncertain. Not sure how long I will live or will I still be breathing again tomorrow. But a strong will to live from something that really motivates you have proven to play a role in resuscitating a person from major illness. Soulmate? You have to connect the dots and work backwards as you travel in time.

    Aging & Disease
    Hope to live to a ripe old age growing white beard like Gandalf the white and be relatively free from disease. But disease often washes away the sins and wrongs committed as do something bitter that is often the antidote or medicine to illness.

    P.s. Been thinking. Normally the name “Najihah Farhanah” would be without the “H” at the end such as “Najiha” or “Farhana” so adding a “H” at the end adds that trademark to it. Deducing further.....A-ha. It kinda rhymes with the “H” in Hassan. Normally what people would do is to match the first letter such as the “M” in Mahathir to the “M” in Marina but reversing it and matching it at the end is an interesting way of thinking. Judging from this line of thought – Pakcik Hassan must be a very smart dad.

  7. wnf,

    You know beside chess, we can also spar in squash, tennis, badminton, hiking, other sports. You name it - I'm on it. Teeheehee

  8. Its really, really sad now that the page is closed :(

    On another note, made a small donation today at the mosque just like you suggested last Friday. You see..you should share your positive vibes...not lock or close it down...coz its so sad...besides..theres nothing too personal in there anyways..just bits and pieces of lifes mementos ..do reconsider

  9. Ok, granted my last two comments made me look silly. You've actually modified the link :-)

    Been learning quite a number of new things from you and hope we can keep it that way. Am hoping also to exchange something positive in return. Not sure how but we'll see. Life's a mystery ain't it?


    Watching the shuttle fly into the night
    Gives me a feeling so warm and bright

    Hoping they land safely out there
    As so many down here pray and care

    So brave and so strong
    Is the crew that goes along

    Our hopes and our dreams
    Are up in those bright gleams

    So come home safe my friend..

    (adapted from gv)

  10. I truly apologize. It was my mistake to post those comments in the wrong place. You have been far too kind despite my inappropriateness. I will stop here. Thank you for the space and indulgence.


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