
The technology nowadays make this activity easily possible.

The habit of stalking other life has become a norm.

I hardly said about others, but I am also the victim of so called technology.

I love to stalk around.

The FB, Instagram, Keek, Blogs, you name it, it is my daily activity.

If these social networks are not being there, I don't think that we become this pathetic.

Seeing others activity and life is not a good thing to do.

Because of this, we become paranoid in some cases.

I don't say about YOU who stalk my blog, BUT I write this to say that it is normal nowadays for the stalking activity, as long as you are not interfere in their lives. For instance, being annoying by commenting here and there.Liking here and there.

The consequences of stalking is unbearable. The ONE who will get hurt is YOU, yourself..
the ONE that you stalk has nothing to do with your habit.

Please STOP!

Ok, till then..

P/S: Seronok ke stalk blog ni?


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