
I love idiom like seriously fall in love with idioms. I love language so much, especially metaphor. I still remember that I bought idioms books in my foundation days at IIUM. The tiny blue in colour book that I always brought along in the previous days. How I miss those days. I really treasured my moment there. 

Those beautiful words and sentences did make my days. My day is fulled of positive vibes if I have a good idioms to be in my mind for the rest of the day.

Nowadays, I love inspirational and motivational quotes that can drive me being motivated and inspired to become better and better.

You cannot imagine how amazing the words until it really drives you.

I love everything about good words, advice and everything.

To my blog reader, let's us do this together, spread the love and keep on giving to others.

To start with, I will be sharing motivational and inspirational quotes at my social medias for a month, insyaAllah. 

Till then. Have a good day ahead.

"Jika kita ada sedikit ilmu untuk dikongsi, kongsikanlah. Itu lebih baik dari banyak ilmu tapi kedekut untuk dikongsi dan disimpan sendiri."

“Barang siapa yang ditanya berkenaan suatu ilmu lalu dia menyembunyikannya, pasti dia akan diikat pada Hari Kiamat dengan tali dari neraka” (Hadis Riwayat al-Tirmizi)



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