Switching Mind?

How we perceive something can give impact to our lives.

Every single test is there to make us stronger.

Instead of always saying why this is always happening to me?

you may say or thought of it this way;

1. What this event wanted to teach me?

2. What I could get from this?

3. What is Allah SWT trying to reach me?

Never ever blaming others for the decision that you made.

The decider who made that decision is you.

Not others.

Learn from whatever wrong decision that have been once made. Learn to accept those, learn to know that every single little thing has its own reasons and wisdom too.

I have done a lot of mistakes before owing to listening to someone but now every single information that I got, I filter, I affirm and I react. My action looks arrogant, but that is me as you know better.

I rest my case. Till then peeps.



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