Alhamdulillah at last, been given an appreciation for the hard work that has been done throughout my journey as PTD since May 2017.

There was always a thought of resigning several times and joining the construction field again as a Quantity Surveyor. However, being resilient is what I opt to.
There were so many stories to tell but the good one would be the best to be shared. I am so blessed to have been given a good mentor to create, modify and rectify me who is not just a good boss but for me a good leader to follow. He is also like a brother for us here in KPKT (Department of Development and Project Implementation), En Huzaimi
Jai Hero
. Thank you boss for everything 😊😊😊
To those who have helped me through my journey in this department, especially my awesome helpers Kak Ku
Gurly Gurlz
, Azelin, Zura, Kak
Lin Na
, Kak
Miza Elmilza
Murni Hasan
, Maseh, Hafizi and Yani. I would like to expand my humble appreciation to you guys. Thank you so much for all your hard work in helping me 🥰🥰🥰
I still remember there was a night I came back at 1.20am in 2018. There were no weekend for me at that moment. I am so blessed to have a good helper who did not refuse to help me when I contacted her at 11.00pm to help me printing the pamphlets, it is you
Zoura Hashim
❤️❤️❤️. I still can vividly remember my husband
Mohd Aizat
and my daughter accompanied me that day and she was already being fed up and keep on crying until my husband was so pissed off because we were in the office since morning.That was the day everything started to be odd. Thanks abg for everything ❤️❤️❤️
Sometimes, Allah SWT showers us with rain in order to give us 🌈. I believe in that and I am still believing it.
Thanks Abah, Mama, Umi and all the siblings who always prayed the best for me since then until now. Keep on praying for me and insyaAllah this is not the end, this is just a new beginning for me to the next achievement😊
There is no air conditioner, no fan, no offence. Thus, I am proud of my self today 😄😁😉🤩🥳
Thanks for the reading love ❤️


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