A special appreciation

A special appreciation should always be done to ensure that we appreciate the people we love. Last two week, I went out with my BFF. It was really good to spend time together after almost two years of not meeting each other due to the busyness that I have endured throughout the time I am in the new division because everything should be done according to the said time frame.

We went for a movie. That was splendid. We enjoyed our time laughing like there was no tomorrow. I did cry. Ariana was joining us too and she cried too when the line of the dialogue is more or less like this, " Kang memang takut hantu, tapi Kang lagi takut hidup tanpa kamu". Her mind and mine are crossed, thus undeniable she is my daughter. hahaha.

I told my BFF what I have endured and be sorry for letting time went by without seeing her for quite some time. This time around, I will ensure that I spend more time with the people that I love rather than only focusing on work that will never be ending anytime soon.

Make time for your love one because we always know how much money in our bank account, but we have never known how much time that we actually have.

Thus, I will treasure every bit with my love one.

The hurt of being not appreciated is lingering around until you know the priority should be shifted. 

Thank you Nims for your time and willingness of lending ears. 

Thank you for consoling me and told me that "Qi, tengok Allah SWT dah reward hidup ko satu-satu setelah ujian yang pernah ko hadap dulu. Ko dapat apa yang ko nak Qi." 

Nims, thanks for being a very good friend since 2005. I can never thank you enough for the love and sacrifice that you have showered me. I love you.

Till then.



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