Luqman saying:

'my son, associate none with Allah, for to associate others with Him is a tremendous wrong'

'my son, Allah will bring all things to light,be they as small as a grain of mustard seed,be they hidden inside a rock or in heaven or earth.Allah is Wise and All-Knowing.'

'my son, be steadfast in prayer,enjoin justice,and forbid evil. endure with fortitude whatever befalls you. that is a duty incumbent on all.

'do not turn away from men with scorn,nor walk proudly on earth: Allah does not love the arrogant and vain-glorious. rather let your gait be modest and your voice low: the harshest of voices is the braying of the asses.'

those are some verses in Surah Luqman.don't u think Luqman has broad idea on advising his son to obey Allah the Al-mighty?

when i do have a child later, insyaAllah i will try my best to comprehend those advices to my child or if there are children of course to them,all of them..yes currently i don't even have one because I'm not married yet.but i hope that i can marry and have my own children to tell them all the advices and to teach them to know Allah better,insyaAllah..

Ya Allah, please send me someone who can be my leader throughout my journey to receive Your blessing and pleasure=)

hope that all of us can get something from those verses,till then=)

salam from me, Wan Naqiyyah Wan Hassan


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