
after several stalking activities,accidently, I've bumped into one blog. the owner of the blog,or should i say the writer of the blog is now suffering because of cancer. i've seen him before because he is the friend of the one that i've been stalking around..HAHA=P..but believe me, i cried yesterday for him..he is really positive person that i've ever seen. even though, he is suffering but the way he write those posts make me ponder is he is healthy when typing all those posts, or he is suffering to end the last sentence..the answer for my pondering is in his hand..i won't ask either. i know he is a good person with high quality of life. he is medical student in one of famous university in UK. i admire the way he's trying to persuade and convince other to ponder and think about the destiny that Allah swt has done to each of us..

throughout the reading, i keep on crying and illustrating the day when i've left this world forever..where were my soul(roh) will be? if my body in the grave, will my soul is there also?this question keeps on appearing in my head..thinking of death make me realize that worldly matters are not that important hence, the hereafter matters will become my priority from now on..pray for me friends..

to my Creator, Most Merciful and Most Gracious,
please take my soul in the state of Iman(faith)
and please put me in the place of the one that You love,
as the aim of a Muslim is entering paradise, so do i..


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