I'm not feeling well

for the past 2days i got fever symptoms so yesterday i decided to go to IIUM clinic. My body temperature increased so I've been prescribed 5 types of medicine from the doctor.

5?ergh..uwek3..how I'm going to eat those things? however, because i want to get well soon so i ate them.

on last Monday, I've been told by my classmate that the schedule has been changed. so, one of my class that supposedly at 2pm on Wednesday has been changed to 9am also on Wednesday. because i was really not feeling well yesterday, i sms one of my friend telling her that i want to go to class with her.unfortunately, i sent that sms to another person,maybe because i just woke up at that time i did that mistake. sorry a trillion time to that person..but what i want to emphasize here is that the schedule wasn't changed means that my class starts at 2pm. seriously, i was really mad, i was too eager for going to class because it is really a waste if im not turn up.I've already reached my Kuliyyah when i got the news that my class still at 2pm and the new schedule didn't approve by the Head of QS department yet..

then in the evening i went to class, but i kept on coughing and the class end at 6pm..urgh!

today, i have 2classes one in morning and another one in the afternoon. i don't turn up to the afternoon class because after taking the medicine, i felt sleepy.

my mom just called and i told my mom to pray for me because i will be having quiz tomorrow but then my mom told me that tomorrow is holiday owing to the winning of Malaysian team on AFF Suzuki 2010. again, i was like arghhhhhhhhh!

got to go, to perform maghrib prayer..

p/s: please pray for me in order to get well soon=)


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