My 2011 first weekend =)

It has been 16years since the last visit to my aunt house at Malacca. It was so unbelievable that it has to be that long. I went there last weekend with my father, mother, amir and ida. We went there because of sending ida to her new uitm campus. She got flying colour result for 3semesters; she managed to pursue degree without completing her diploma.
Yesterday was quite a hectic day for us. There were too much people there and the registration process (sorry to say) so bad. We got there at 8am in the morning but everything just finished in the afternoon. Seriously we were exhausted because the day before we reached Malacca in the afternoon so within 24hours we went back to KL because my parents and amir will continue their journey to kuantan.
Talking about ida, she managed to stay at hostel. She stays at level 9.fuh!! there are only 2 elevators there to cater all the students. It would be fine if you are in level 4 or 5 but if up than that it kind of hard if anything happens to the elevator. Hope that ida will be having great time there and doesn’t have any problem with the elevator later..=)


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