Thank You Allah=)

Thanks Ya Allah for give us strength and allow us to win the match tonight..
Thanks to my dear family members who always pray for me.
Thanks to my dear friends who support me without fail.
Ok, some update for my life plan for today:
All were done according to the plan except for nasi ayam penyek, instead I ate marinara spaghetti at KLCC with my friend when we went for a movie this evening. We finished the Studio earlier than the expected time. We wanted to go for a movie at Wangsa Walk at first but quite bored there because too near with my home so we went to KLCC for watching the movie. The movie is starring Ben Stiller as Gay Focker. It was totally hilarious! My friend and I had a very wonderful evening today because of the movie and the food that we ate. U guys should watch this movie because it is worth for the money u pay for the ticket..
I went to UIA by LRT then I waited for the bus unfortunately I catched up the wrong one. Instead of going to UIA I ended up went to Sri Gombak area. This was the 1st mistake I did for riding the wrong bus.huh really exhausted but quite nice because I have never been there. So I managed to see the housing area there. There are a lot of terrace houses that had been renovated. I came across several houses that from double storey house turned to become 3-storey houses. How they got the license to renovate their houses to such condition? I wonder..Hurm..need to revise back my note pertaining to Land Law perhaps..

p/s: wondering around who is 'the guest' that always leave msgs through my shout box!if u(the guest is around) i would like to say that please don't comment such as u know me that is really irritating.(sorry coz too harsh but this is the best that i can do)

my lucky number for tonight is TEN(same goes to Messi right?haha..oh,lionel messi,oh my gucci,,oppss?haha=P


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