My dearest teacher, MR. RUZAK MAT NOOR

This is the person that I’ve been missing to see. It has been ages since the last time I saw this great man. He was my best tutor ever. He always gives me advices. He always bought me souvenir when going for holiday(I’m still using the wallet that u gave me cikgu, thanks a lot).He is a kind, generous, good and more he is one of greatest people that I’ve known so far.
Hence, this post is especially dedicated to him:


Happy belated birthday (2 January 1958)
Semoga cikgu dipjgkan umur, diberi kesihatan yg cemerlang,di murahkan rezeki dan diberkati Allah SWT sering dan selalu.

Qiqi rindu cikgu sgt byk tau dan qi harap cg pn rindu qi..hahaha, just joking around.

Qiqi doakan agar segala impian dan harapan cikgu tercapai.

Qi harap cg doakan yg terbaik utk qi juga;)

p/s: cikgu free x raya cina ni?kalau nak jumpa cg kena buat appointment ke?


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