An expensive experience

Pursuing study in United Kingdom has always been my ambition. as mentioned in previous post, I have been dreaming a lot to get here.

After SPM, I have been called by JPA for an interview for "Biasiswa Ijazah Luar Negara". But to my dismay, I didn't get the scholarship.

Thus, I study hard and smart to pursue my master here.

Keputusan untuk datang ke sini bukanlah senang. Sebagai seorang isteri keizinan suami itu penting melebihi segala isi bumi. chewahhh..

I tolak offer September intake sebab it is too sudden. husband just working for 2 months at that time.

Later, I also got a job at one of construction company.

Being honest, I didn't like my routine being a QS there.

I must work 6days per week. wearing uniform that made my husband can't recognize me.

He said "ingat cleaner UIA tadi".

Sedih kan?

Then last January I was admitted to Sg. Buluh Hospital because of food poisoning.

I realize how terrific my MC was.

Seronok habaq hang.

Dah duduk beberapa malam kat ward then doctor bagi kuar dan bagi a week OFF.


Rasa mcm g holiday.

Lepas MC habis, masuk keje balik.

Then time tu company ade issue sikit melibatkan racist.

I backup the company by writing a comment at one of famous malaysia blog.

I just wrote what I know about the incident.

Even the writing amazed them a lot but I still feel incomplete.

Then, in one fine day, that was saturday.

I printed the Salford University Offer Letter.

I asked my self.

What do I want in my life?

What is the dream that I haven't fulfilled?

Then, I got the answer.

I came here.

I have been thinking approximately 8 months to come here after getting the MARA scholar last May(2013).

I have 2 choices that really good.

One is to stay in Malaysia to be a PTD officer.

Another one to pursue study.

Long I stood.

Several time changing decision.

I chose to be here.

Banyak rencah yang terpaksa dihadapi. husband tak dapat nak ikut terus kerana terikat dengan kerja. dia kena bagi 2 months notice dulu.

Perancangannya dia mahu datang September nanti dan I balik Malayia after the semester one over. But  2 days before flying here, he said he cannot stay alone for a long time. he cannot let me be thousand miles from him. Thus, we made a new decision of not waiting until september to make he comes here.

Mula-mula I sepatutnya stay Rusholme. menyewa bilik dengan Malaysian student yang lain tapi sebab husband nak datang terus. maka I tak dapat nak teruskan duduk kat situ sebab I must sign agreement to stay until september. if I broke the contract, then my deposit gone. thus, I contacted my ex lecturer kat uia tanya boleh ke nak tumpang rumah dia sebab kawan I suruh tanya sebab kawan I lagi sorang pun nak stay dengan mdm kitaorg on June.

Mdm ok je. so stay with mdm approximately 2 months.

Then suami datang, pindah kat rumah kami sekarang kat Cheetham Hill.

Best duduk sini.

Sebab senang nak beli daging halal.

Nak beli barang2.

Sebab Tesco just a walking distance.


Time saya nak buat decision dulu lagi sorang lecturer saya, mdm sharifah cakap rugi kalau tak pergi Qiqi. Sebab if dapat manchester, I memang galakkan pergi. it is not about study alone, but it is about living experience that u may experience and the memories.

Betul cakap mdm. Pergi bercuti dan tinggal kat sini berbeza.

Bercuti pengalaman dia berbeza sangat dengan tinggal kat sini sebab kalau bercuti kita tak perlu risau pasal rental fee, utility fee, council tax. tapi kini semua tu menjadi tanggungjawab untuk diselesaikan. Alhamdulillah council tax dapat exemption sebab student.

Seronok itu tak dapat nak gambar kan.

Seronok itu dapat rasa.

Pengalaman hidup itu ku teroka,
Untuk suatu masa,
Dapat aku cerita,
Pada keturunan jika ada..

If you have dreams, go chase them, unless you don't have one, be where you are without doing anything, without taking risk, without having to decide but it will look like you are not a risk taker. a risk taker bravely taking risk to move forward.

if you are not taking risk then how do you move forward?



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