
The first time I performed Umrah was 3years back.

When will be the next trip?


Still searching.

Hopefully soon enough.

Hopefully I can see Kaabah again.

I wish I can be there with my husband.

I went there before with my parents and sister.

Revisit is a must.

Telah rindu akan meriahnya suasana,
Telah rasa jauhnya tersasar dari jalanNya,
Ada masa berbuat dosa terasa biasa,
Ada masa berbuat dosa terasa norma..

Aku seorang pendusta,
Aku bertekad mahu syurga,
Aku janji denganNya,
Namun kumungkir jua..

Aku seorang pendosa,
Aku tidak tahu bila,
Dosa dan noda,
Akan terpadam semua,
Agar aku sesuci sebelum dewasa..

A revisit is a MUST.

Therefore, I must try my best to be there again.

Missing my days there.

I want to repeat the routine that I did there.

Miss You.


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