Dua Kalimah

Currently, my husband and I miss Malaysia so much.

Thus, we have been watching Malay's movie quite a lot this week.

Sometimes, ''cerekarama pun layan bak hang"..hihihihi

But, tonight, I watch alone because he was too frustrated cannot watch World Cup.

We have big TV here but it is not inclusive of freeview or preview.I don't know which one is the real name for that box. (Ala macam Astro punya box tu)

Thus, we once bought it at car boot sale. (tight budget lah kata orang)

But there was no remote.

We tried several attempts to make it runs.

It can be switch on but it cannot perform what it is made for.

To buy a new one it costs quite some money.

It is alright.

At least I can watch stream movie with him. More romantic. Hihihi. (even tonight he fell asleep too fast)

Ok done with the boring introduction.

Straight to the point.

I watch this one movie named "Dua Kalimah".

Personally, I can say this movie is a very good movie in term of islamic value, moral value, family relationship, neighbouring relationship and etc.

It can make us realize that we are still being given chance to repent.

Guidance from Allah SWT is what we should deem for.

His blessing too.

Watch it guys.

Definitely, you may get beneficial thing.

Even some scenes kind of "Tanah Kubur series" at least it got it's own story.


Hidayah Allah SWT itu untuk hambaNya yang terpilih, maka bertuahlah kita jika kitalah hamba yang terpilih itu.

Pintu Taubat sentiasa terbuka.

Walau dosa setinggi langit, seluas lautan sekalipun, Allah masih menerima taubat kita selagi kita masih bernyawa.

Taubat nasuha, bersih semua.

Kita takkan selama-lama di sini, akhirat itu pasti.

Salam Jumaat.


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