
Showing posts from 2021

Bring it On!

 Bring it On! This is the time for me to shine like a diamond. Bring it On, I am ready for it, Like for ages. The time when I was pressured and being demotivated, Should not be there anymore, What is left? My enthusiasm to gain more and more. To enhance my knowledge. To get the best out of the best. This is the time. I'll make sure it will be. With His guidance and blessing. 


Never been thought of being treated this kind of way. Never been thought I must face this kind of thing again. I have always loved my name. My other siblings have 3 names including the family name "Wan" but I had only been given a word other than the family name itself. NAQIYYAH I have always loved my name as it is so special for me. My father gave this name. Thus, I gave my precious daughter name,  Naqiyyah too. My family, relatives and close friends call me Qiqi. I can still vividly remember when I was in my childhood day and that was in Kuantan. My neighbour kept on singing KiKi Lala Song. I have always felt offended to listen to his voice singing that song and I still remember I had once told my cousin (brother cousin), Abg Lee about this. I love how Abg Lee consoled me, He said to me that the Qiqi name is good as it is glamour and so catchy. Since then, I love my nick name too.  I have always get the weird responses while I tell others to call me Qiqi. They will say ...


Penat itu rasa, Suatu terasa bisa, Menyengat tiap deria, Otak paling merana.. Kini umat manusia, Penat dan berbuat hina, Mana agaknya diri mereka, Yang dulu dianggap mulia? Cerita-cerita zaman kini, Silap sikit dicanang tanpa henti, Apa mereka lupa diri, Suatu masa kita pula diuji.. Manusia bangkit, Dunia sudah penat, Jangan ditambah keringat, Untuk suatu musibat, Sebab doa-doa pasti terangkat, Tinggal saja waktu, Untuk diberi sesuatu.. Pasti Dia berikan kamu, Sebuah rasa yang hilang dulu, Sesuatu yang tercetus di kalbu.. Nukilan: WN, 11.21am, 29 July 2021


Seketul organ pemberian Maha Esa, Tanpa dia tiada rasa, Dengan dia, Bahagia, Luka, Semua menemani hari biasa, Tetap juga hari tua.. Hati aku pelihara, Kadang getir terbit menjelma, Aku cuba melupa, Akan sebuah cerita, Namun aku manusia biasa, Terketuk hati terjengah masa, Suatu kisah yang tamat lama.. Aku punya hati, Kadang mengingati, Kadang membenci, Mengapa di sini, Masih di sini, Mohon berhenti.. Nukilan: WN, 11.24, 25 May 2021


It would be the 3rd year of not celebrating Eid as the usual way it was celebrated before for us. This time around, I really hope that there was a miracle about this but then still we cannot do inter state travelling and even it gets worsen since inter district also not allowable. This is so sickening for me for the past few days.  Reading the negative behaviour related SOP from the influencers make me feel irritated. Why they did what they have done. The insensitive act did trigger all the netizen including me. I hate to say this and that because in this holy month it would not be worth of blabbering about the same stupid action by them. The positive way to overcome this is thought of all this pandemic is somehow tests from Him to us. The test that if we excel in it we can survive to some more time He allows us in here before going to here after. If we fail, then our time here is over. But this test is not only about surviving from Covid19 infection but how we deal with this situa...


Mana mungkin lupa, Apa yang dirasa, Tidak selesa, Saat dicalit segala.. Permata tidak bermaya, Kurela prosedur katanya, Saat yang kaya raya, Seakan berpesta menanti cahaya.. Mana adil mana sembunyi, Rasa kerdil tangis sendiri, Kita perlu kaya duniawi, Biar kayangan labelan diri, Rentas negeri, Langgar SOP, Tiada peduli, Hanya maki, Dari netizen yang iri.. Nukilan: WN, 3.01pm, 24 April 2021

Traffic Jam

Nobody likes it, if you do love traffic jam then you are one in billions. Hehehe It has been a great hassle for me in going to the work nowadays in Ramadhan month since everyone trying their best to be at the earliest time at the office to ensure that they can go back at earliest time also to prepare for iftar. Last year would be heaven for us since working from home at that time. Only Allah SWT know how terrific that time was. Dalgona, Gardenia, you name it everything easily becoming a viral. I love the time that I can spend with my family. Love it and miss it. Now a little bit sad hearing that we cannot celebrate eid again at out hometown this year. This is totally insane. 

Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa

Use good words, sentences, punctuation in delivering your ideas because those things are needed/crucial. By using the right punctuation, the person who listen to your ideas get them professionally and do not feel irritated. Dalam konteks bahasa melayu, penggunaan laras bahasa yang baik dapat memberi mesej secara berkesan tanpa perlu mengguris hati sesiapa pun. Dalam mengutarakan pendapat, saya pelajari kita perlu berlapik. Benar, pendapat dan idea kita sangat mantap namun cuba lihat reaksi pertama apabila kita cuba mengutarakan pendapat. Adakah mereka yg mendengar idea itu berlapang dada atau tidak untuk menerima. Jika tidak, STOP IT. Jangan diteruskan pendapat itu kerana dikhuatiri pendapat menjadi mendapat.. Bila kita semakin bijak dalam melakukan sesuatu, percayalah ada juga yang tidak menyukai itu. Dia akan cuba menjatuhkan kita dalam kepelbagaian bentuk. Percaya akan diri sendiri dan terus maju ke depan. Pendapat dan omongan belakang, bukan masalah kita, maka jangan bazirkan masa ...

Suatu Maaf

Lama sudah tunggu, Lama sudah masa berlalu, Tiada perkataan maaf terucap olehmu.. Kisah lalu, Apa berlaku, Suatu pilu, Tetap membelengguku.. Tiap kali berlaku, Tetap khilaf aku, Itu tidak adil buatku, Apa hati aku, Tidak punya pilu? Aku punya rindu, Aku punya rasa satu, Maaf itu terucap ikhlas darimu, Kerana tiap yang berlaku, Kamu toreh luka itu, Luka itu, Masih di situ.. Suatu ucapan maaf itu, Aku perlu, Untuk redakan amarahku, Suatu rasa pilu.. Luka aku.. Nukilan: 1.13pm, 6 April 2021


Raya itu aku juang, Raya itu aku mahu pulang, Sudah bertahun rasa terbuang, Katanya tiada ruang.. Tahun sebelum terbuang, Tahun lepas tiada peluang, Tahun ni masih tiada ruang? Buang, Pulang, Peluang, Ruang, Berpinar otak semua hilang, Di suatu sudut bersarang, Sebuah rasa ingin terbang.. Sesuatu telah hilang.. Nukilan: WN, 1.06pm, 6 April 2021


Bara itu rasa, Dalam hati membara, Kusangka sudah tiada, Namun pabila kembali ada, Bara tadi berontak meminta.. Bara itu membarah sanubari, Maki akan suatu sisi, Sisi yang aku sipi, Rasa mahu maki maki maki.. Sebuah bongkah percaya, Aku tiada dan tak diberi rasa, Suatu bergelar bahagia, Hilang dalam satu lara.. Bara melara, Bara membara, Bara melata, Kerana kau aku memaki berjuta, Dalam jiwa.. Perlukah aku laung, Akan satu rasa paling agung, Yang diami lorong, Hatiku kosong, Dalam satu bohong.. Nukilan: WN, 6.15pm, 4 April 2021


Alhamdulillah at last, been given an appreciation for the hard work that has been done throughout my journey as PTD since May 2017. There was always a thought of resigning several times and joining the construction field again as a Quantity Surveyor. However, being resilient is what I opt to. There were so many stories to tell but the good one would be the best to be shared. I am so blessed to have been given a good mentor to create, modify and rectify me who is not just a good boss but for me a good leader to follow. He is also like a brother for us here in KPKT (Department of Development and Project Implementation), En Huzaimi Jai Hero . Thank you boss for everything To those who have helped me through my journey in this department, especially my awesome helpers Kak Ku Gurly Gurlz , Azelin, Zura, Kak Lin Na , Kak Miza Elmilza , Murni Hasan , Maseh, Hafizi and Yani. I would like to expand my humble appreciation to you guys. Thank you so much for all your hard work in helping me I stil...


 Aku khuatir, Jika diberi getir, Tika girang diukir.. Aku khuatir, Guruh dan petir, Disebalik langsir.. Aku khuatir, Namun bukan terakhir, Akan tetap mengukir.. Aku khuatir, Pelangi jangan Kau usir.. Nukilan: WN, 1.41pm, 31 March 2021


Sebuah catatan luka, Parut seakan sembuh, Senada dengan tempoh.. Namun kau robek kembali parut tadi, Kau buat aku imaginasi, Apa kau terlalu benci, Akan sebuah ikatan suci, Sehingga tiap kali kau diuji, Aku adalah seorang keji.. Aku tak mampu lagi, Memupuk pujuk kembali, Hati aku dilukai, Berkali-kali, Apa aku ni tiada erti? Aku lah pengkeji, Yang menyakiti, Yang dibenci, Setiap pelosok bumi, Kau lah seorang suci, Hingga aku dibuang ke tepi.. Buang, Pulang, Ruang, Masih tergiang, Masih bersarang, Jangan sampai aku hilang, Sebab amarahku menjulang.. Sekali aku disakiti, Punya ruang aku ubati, Sebuah hati tadi, Berkali aku diuji, Aku mampu berdiri, Namun tiap kali kau toreh duri, Aku parah dalam suatu sepi.. Nukilan: WN, 5.51pm, 26 Mac 2021

Is hurtful sentence a truly motivational quote?

I am a type of person who love thinking while I am driving alone. There is thought coming over today while driving to the office.  All years that has passed truly awesome in certain circumstances. However, there were also sad story not to be told. But heyyy, at least by telling others I can release some of grudge towards something. right? I was tested before with a lot of things. I perfectly know that Muslim will live being tested all the way because here is only temporary, the final destination has yet to come. Thus, along the journey I took some quotes from the people I know to keep on moving. Today, i share a sentence that keep me moving until now. "Mujur aku nak ke mu, mu dah lah sakit" This sentence drives me to be better in time. What I learnt through this is that never ever say anything that can hurt people until they cannot erase it from the memory. Tongue is sharper than a sword is indeed true. Like people always say we can forgive, but never ever forget. Thanks for ...

A little angel

My darling Ariana is my little angel. Nowadays, she seems a little bit of bored with something. She starts to express the anger, the uncomfortable feeling that she has toward someone.  Last night, I cuddled her to sleep. She really needs to be hugged as she pulled my arm to hug while she slowly tried to sleep (sleepy mode).  I know that I have been a monster mother who uses high pitch note to warn her. I hope that this high note will not be heard again. I wish to be a better mother who is so kind, warm and my daughter looks for. Pray for me friends. Till then. -WN

Switching Mind?

How we perceive something can give impact to our lives. Every single test is there to make us stronger. Instead of always saying why this is always happening to me? you may say or thought of it this way; 1. What this event wanted to teach me? 2. What I could get from this? 3. What is Allah SWT trying to reach me? Never ever blaming others for the decision that you made. The decider who made that decision is you. Not others. Learn from whatever wrong decision that have been once made. Learn to accept those, learn to know that every single little thing has its own reasons and wisdom too. I have done a lot of mistakes before owing to listening to someone but now every single information that I got, I filter, I affirm and I react. My action looks arrogant, but that is me as you know better. I rest my case. Till then peeps. -WN

Every cloud has a silver lining

Trust Allah, He will ease and lighten your way. When you decide to become better each and everyday, after you have been experiencing a lot of obstacles along the way, He will always find way to grant you anything that you wish for. Every cloud has a silver lining, believe and trust Him all the way. I love to watch some short videos in TikTok Apps as my best friend told me that there were a lot to be learnt there instead of shaking your body around with the background music.  Thus, I love this one video that being uploaded there regarding waking up in the middle of night to seek  His forgiveness. We are being too lazy to wake up and take ablution, but we at least can say to Him, Ya Allah, forgive all our sins, Ya Allah you wake me up this night to meet you but I am too lazy to wake my self up, Please Ya Allah, give me strength to wake up, to meet you. InsyaAllah He is the best Listener after all, He will grant you all the wishes. Then, you can actually wake yourself up to ask H...


The time has come. We always take thing for granted. When the time comes, we cannot do anything. We are surely being called to Him.. Hopefully when the time comes, Everything is in place, I will have the chance of forgiving and seek forgiveness too.. Wan Naqiyyah, you were born on Friday, hopefully Friday will be your day too.. -WN

Sharing Session

It has come to my concern the urge to share something with the SPM 2020 candidates. They are going to face their first paper this coming 22 February 2021. This is the first time, we experienced Covid19 and all these issues. Everything has been delayed. But remember one thing, Allah SWT will not burden us beyond our capabilities. I do read a lot of comments, stories about giving up, feeling too old to take the examination. Thus, i come forward to tell you that I was 18 when I took my SPM examination. So do not feel old at all. There are more stories to reveal but then please, whatever happens in our lives, it is there to mold us, to teach us, to carve us to be better, to be resilient and strong. Just always pray that Allah SWT will ease our journey before we are called to meet Him. I did a video to motivate you, a least a little bit about this. But to my dismay, I have some laziness to transfer it from my hand phone. Later okay. Till then. -WN


I love idiom like seriously fall in love with idioms. I love language so much, especially metaphor. I still remember that I bought idioms books in my foundation days at IIUM. The tiny blue in colour book that I always brought along in the previous days. How I miss those days. I really treasured my moment there.  Those beautiful words and sentences did make my days. My day is fulled of positive vibes if I have a good idioms to be in my mind for the rest of the day. Nowadays, I love inspirational and motivational quotes that can drive me being motivated and inspired to become better and better. You cannot imagine how amazing the words until it really drives you. I love everything about good words, advice and everything. To my blog reader, let's us do this together, spread the love and keep on giving to others. To start with, I will be sharing motivational and inspirational quotes at my social medias for a month, insyaAllah.  Till then. Have a good day ahead. "Jika kita ada sedik...


We have so many options. Thus, there are also so many decisions to be made. Deciding life path, isn’t easy? Nope. It would have been easy as an ABC if you know what you really want in life. Sometimes, with negative thoughts, you will be thinking or limiting your creativity to only as a draft, later you will find out that you have been missing a good opportunity. Therefore, to be a successful person, do not become what people wanted you to be but be what you want to become.  Leave those people who have no interest of giving positive comments and thoughts about you. You must always be thankful and grateful if you have good circulation of positive people who do not look down on you and always pray the best for you. I will write a new journey, InsyaAllah “Be the Change you wish to see in the world” -WN


Learning is my passion nowadays. I do not know what is happening to my self. But suddenly, I feel that time is running out so fast. I just wanted to get everything that I have been planning at once. It seems that everything is too dear to me, everything just too important. I just wanted to have everything that I wanted just in the blink of eyes. Thus, everyday I try to at least finish my task list like there is no tomorrow.  "I just wanted to have fun, learning to fly, learning to run, I'll let my heart decide the way, when I was young'' This phrase has been lingering around to make me go further, go beyond what I always do. It just an eye opener and soul opener too for me to keep on moving and improving to get whatever thing that I love to have. Learning and challenging my self are two different thing but in some cases, it looks like they can be united for me. I wish I can further my study soon.  Postgraduate study, I love to treasure the moment again of course with m...

Bahagia Itu Rasa

Usahlah gusar, Berkira-kira mahu memberi, Kerana apa dirasa, Dalam memberi ada bahagia.. Bahagia itu bukan suatu hadiah, Bahagia itu rasa, Hanya mereka yang tahu syukur, Rasai sebuah rasa tercipta.. Rasa tercipta melingkari saat Si Dia memberi, Kita didakap suka dan duka, Itu semua atas ihsanNya, Peluklah apa saja rasa, Yang dikurnia.. Aku dakap bahagia, Aku peluk derita, Aku selimut hati, Agar hati-hati, Biar sanubari dilukai, Namun fizikal masih teguh berdiri, Sihat serba segi, Namun luka tak terlihat mata, Pasti sembuh jika redha itu kau ada.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Binti Wan Hassan, 2.37pm, 2 Februari 2021


Writing is always my hobby, apart from reading. I love to write poems and usually I wrote and posted them on my blog. Today, I would like to write something that can be my reminder and could at least be yours too. Writing is a skill that not been given to everyone thus when you love to write , do write something that is good. Throwing back, those hurtful years of mine, I have written thousand of poems that portraying what I have been enduring at those specific moments. Some were happy, some were sad and some might be hatred toward something/ someone. Looking back those poems, I could vividly recall back the details of the feeling. What I do not like is the feel when I recalling back the hatred feeling toward something/ someone. Hatred is not good for your heart and soul. It kills you inside out. It might kill you (like seriously) even you do not admit and keeps on denying the fact.  Thus, the moment I made up my mind to always write something good that can motivate me, it show...


Penat, Rasa tenat, Sabar seakan tamat.. Penat, Ulang ulang ulang, Penat itu rimas, Rasa lemas.. Penat, Malas menekan, Papan kekunci luah perasaan.. Penat, Bila mahu tamat? Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah Binti Wan Hassan, 9.25am, 11 Januari 2021