the heroin of my life..

who's next? your mother

who's next? your mother

who's next? your mother..and then your father( love this song so much)

my mother is the greatest woman that i love for the entire of my life. without feeling exhausted, she always tries her best level to provide me with anything that i need. everything that she can do, she tries her best level to do it for me.

my mother is very beautiful. my mother is my all. I'm willing to do everything that u want me to do mama..=)

i miss u always, mama.

can't wait to see you in 2 weeks time.

Dear Mama,

qi syg mama sgt2,

qi perlukan mama,

qi bersyukur ada seorang ibu sehebat mama senantiasa menyokong qi,


qi minta ampun atas segala kesilapan yang qi lakukan di waktu sedar mahupun tidak sedar.

qi syg mama ,

doakan qi sering dan selalu tau,

doa ibu mithali seperti mama tidak berhijab( terus Allah SWT dgr)

mama doakan qi yang terbaik agar qi bisa berjaya di dunia sementara ini serta akhirat yang kekal dan pasti=)

p/s: balik nanti qi nak pizza mama dan cream puff dan nasi itali dan erm,,stakat ni tu dulu nnti nk yg lain qi update lg okey..muah=)


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