
Showing posts from October, 2024

Sebuah Maaf

Sebuah maaf itu, Aku tunggu darimu, Agar setiap rasa membelengguku, Tiada lagi dihatiku.. Purnama demi purnama, Aku tanya Maha Esa, Mengapa ujian aku luar biasa, Hingga aku terduduk meringkuk bersoal segala, Apa aku laku sehingga diuji sedemikian rupa, Ibliskah aku wahai semua? Dipujuk rajuk itu, Masih belum mampu aku, Lupa setiap bicaramu, Dia seakan tergiang-giang ditelinga, Menerobos dalam ruang jiwa.. Aku hanyalah insan biasa, Sekadar mahu teruskan hidup tersisa, Agar dapat aku jumpa Dia, Dengan seribu satu cerita, Yang Dia lukiskan untuk teruskan tinta, Yang pasti aku mahu ke syurga, Bukan belok ke neraka.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah binti Wan Hassan, 4.46am, 24 October 2024

Jalan Ini Jauh

Ratusan purnama berlalu pergi, Aku masih di suatu sisi, Rasa sakit itu masih di hati, Rasa perit akan suatu kisah sepi.. Sampai bila kisah ini akan terhenti? Mengapa detik aku seakan terubati, Masih ada seekor babi, Mencalar kembali parut luka tadi.. Kisah aku simpan ratusan purnama, Ingin dibiar kelam dan suram, Biarlah dia pergi dari aku, Biar aku tersenyum seribu, Tanpa sekelumit merindu, Saat aku tidak mampu, Untuk bersama seperjuanganku, Untuk mencari kejayaan dunia tipu-tipu.. Jalan ini jauh, Perjalanan aku sungguh-sungguh, Lain cerita tertangguh-tangguh, Biar segalanya terletak dalam ruang tempoh, Agar sedikit hampir seakan contoh.. Mereka tidak tahu, Apa dibelengguku, Maka maaf aku, Aku perlu, Untuk rawat luka aku, Kerana luka aku berparut hodoh di sanubariku, Parut seakan mahu sembuh,  Ditoreh, ditarik kembali parut itu biar berdarah melepuh.. Jalan ini jauh, Jalan ini... masih jauh, Aku mahu tempuh, Jangan kau ceroboh.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah binti Wan Hassan, 4.36am, 24 O...

Loser, I am

Nur Ariana Naqiyyah, I am so sorry for the time that I have taken too much, I denied your need, I denied you were sick, Because of doing the thing that should be done.. Mohd Aizat, I am sorry, For being a loser wife, I keep on asking you to take care of our jewel but I was too exhausted to do it so.. Mama and Abah, I am so sorry,  For the time that I cannot share, For the reply that I was so busy with the bloody work when you were asking for a visit. How terrible I am for them. I am a jerk. I was devastated with the situation that I endure.  After all, they are not worth of my time, but I have neglected my family because of them. Indeed I am stupid.  Because giving too much.. The pain is unbearable until I found out the roof is too frustrating from a far.  Written by: WN, 632pm, 19.10.2024

Shahnim Saad

It has been nearly 20 years I know Shahnim Saad. She is my best friend forever (BFF). We met for the first time at Matriculation Centre of International Islamic University Malaysia, Petaling Jaya. We are in the same course, Architecture and Environmental Design.  We are also in the same major course (Quantity Surveying) at main campus Gombak when we did our undergraduate study. She has done tremendous thing that others would not do for me. She knows me inside out. She helped me a lot throughout the journey of myself in completing undergraduate study. There was something happened that I knew I have to reach her but because of my busyness I did not have time for her. Thus, this was the mistake that I admitted. She needs to be heard at certain time but because of working too much, I missed the opportunity to reach her out. But now I would not bother about working anymore because I want to have thing be positioning as it should be done without jeopardizing my time with my loves one. Ap...

The Walking

Walking through, Bit by bit, Seeing thing with clearly, And thoroughly.. Walking again, Seeing thing, Filtering thing, Accepting the fact that hurting.. Walking to the path, Where there is no trace, But it will be the road, That I have to take, For a journey, Yet to come.. Walking and keep on walking, Until I found out, The heart of mine, Was badly bleeding, Cannot be healed, In a couple of timing... Walking, walking and walking, Get through, But until when, This should be my hassle? Should it be my all? Walking, Just seeking, keep on seeking, His blessing, My true calling.. Written by: Wan Naqiyyah binti Wan Hassan, 5.12am, 15 October 2024


My journey to become a PTD is quite long due to series of postponement that I did years ago because of pursuing my study to United Kingdom. I was called for an examination which was held at SMK Sri Aman, Petaling Jaya when I was in the last semester for my undergraduate study. I still remember I answered the papers one whole day on 13 April 2013. There were 4 papers all together. The first paper was the General Knowledge paper, followed by Mathematics. These both were objective questions. While in the afternoon, there were 2 more papers which were English Essay Writing and Malay Essay Writing. Alhamdulillah, I felt the ease of answering all those papers. On 20 May 2013, I got the result. I passed the exam. I was called for an interview on 14 November 2013. The interviewer did ask me whether I am married or not. I told him that I am married. He did ask whether I have children or not. I told him that I have not had one yet. Thus, he said to hold on your pregnancy we will call you for Cad...


It has been 21 years, The hurt, The hatred, The emotion is still there.. It has been 21 years, The trauma is still there, I try to hide, But when something has gone too far, It has woken up the tigress in me.. Now even it has been a month over, The tigress cannot be tamed, It has been firing inside out.. I want to stop, But I cannot.. I want to hide, But I cannot.. I want to scream, Where should I? I want to share, Who want to listen? I just want to close, The door of hatred, Since it has opened up too long, Until I cannot enjoy the bit of my journey, Toward seeing Him, But I just cannot.. yet.. It is haunting and hugging me tightly, Trauma! Written by: WN, 3.26am, 13 October 2024 - How much time that I need to heal? Do I have the time to actually heal? Or I have not had one..


I have tried to cover up the grumbling fire inside me for quite some time. Whatever I have been tested, I tried to hide the uneasy feeling that I endured. I wrote it into beautiful poems so that people that read my poems, some of them get through it, some of them may just ignore them as usual. But I hate it when people look down on me by trying to dance on the hurting part of me. Like, seriously do they have some common sense? You know the story, but keeping me look like a dump. You have to know that I read between lines. Humor and disgrace are two different thing. Be alert! And one more thing have some respect.  Till then peeps.  - WN 

The last resort

There are a lot to be done throughout limited time that I have. Thus, there are many things that seem too much for me to be done. Procrastinating is not the option that I have since the documentation that I have to submit has time frame. I know that it should be submitted on 11 October 2024. But to my dismay, there is another level of submitting and the last date was last week, 4 October 2024. Since, I leave the rest to my Creator, I know this is the best for me.  This week, I cannot sleep as usual as the way I have been sleeping on weekday. I started to wake up in specific time in the earliest morning. This is the sign that He has given me. I have to indulge myself with His blessing. And it is the sign that I got 10 years ago before deciding the new path of my life. This is the time! Insha'Allah, there is another chance of submitting.  I plan, He plans but He is the best Planner.   I only want to have fun, Learning to fly learning to run, I let my heart decide the w...

A special appreciation

A special appreciation should always be done to ensure that we appreciate the people we love. Last two week, I went out with my BFF. It was really good to spend time together after almost two years of not meeting each other due to the busyness that I have endured throughout the time I am in the new division because everything should be done according to the said time frame. We went for a movie. That was splendid. We enjoyed our time laughing like there was no tomorrow. I did cry. Ariana was joining us too and she cried too when the line of the dialogue is more or less like this, " Kang memang takut hantu, tapi Kang lagi takut hidup tanpa kamu". Her mind and mine are crossed, thus undeniable she is my daughter. hahaha. I told my BFF what I have endured and be sorry for letting time went by without seeing her for quite some time. This time around, I will ensure that I spend more time with the people that I love rather than only focusing on work that will never be ending anytime...


Luka itu torehan, Terdalam dalam sebuah perjalanan, Aku harap suatu perubahan, Namun jika luka kudapatkan, Semua ini harus dihentikan.. Luka itu derita, Perlukah aku menanggung duka, Saat niat ingin berjasa, Menabur segala bakti jua.. Luka itu kau beri, Sampai aku tak mampu lagi, Sangka baik sebelum kau toreh tadi, Kerana pernah terjadi, Seorang yang aku sayangi, Kini tidak lagi di sisi, Kerana tikaman dia tajam lagi, Hingga lukaku tidak pernah sekali, Sembuh walau ratusan purnama berlalu sepi.. Nukilan: Wan Naqiyyah binti Wan Hassan, 4.59pm, 8 October 2024