The Walking

Walking through,

Bit by bit,

Seeing thing with clearly,

And thoroughly..

Walking again,

Seeing thing,

Filtering thing,

Accepting the fact that hurting..

Walking to the path,

Where there is no trace,

But it will be the road,

That I have to take,

For a journey,

Yet to come..

Walking and keep on walking,

Until I found out,

The heart of mine,

Was badly bleeding,

Cannot be healed,

In a couple of timing...

Walking, walking and walking,

Get through,

But until when,

This should be my hassle?

Should it be my all?


Just seeking, keep on seeking,

His blessing,

My true calling..

Written by: Wan Naqiyyah binti Wan Hassan, 5.12am, 15 October 2024


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